ANPA 42 Web Conference

12th August –  14th August 2021

The program: ANPA_Programme_2020.pdf


Thursday 12th August 2021


James Lindesay A Demonstration of Potential Connection of Electro-Weak Coupling to Unitary Weak-Boson Kinematics
Peter Rowlands. Grand Unification
Louis Kauffman. Calculus and Non-Commutative Worlds
Grenville Croll The aperiodicity of the primes’ Inferential Semantics


Friday 13th August 2021

Samuel Lomonaco Visualizing and working with geometric objects in higher dimension space
Louis Kauffman. Form and distinction
Michael Heather & Nick Rossiter Really Really Real Numbers
John Torday Topology, Evolution and Knots
  General Discussion


Saturday 13th August 2021

Mike McCulloch Quantised Inertia space
Nicola Graves-Gregory Pythagorean Epistemology
John Williamson Sub Quantum Chemistry
Mike Horner This changes everything! 1900 to 2021 from Bohm to Biosemiotics