ANPA 45 Conference: 12-16 August 2024 Oxford

Dear all
It is our pleasure to announce that ANPA 2024 conference will take place in August 12-16 in Oxford. It will follow the now traditional pattern of sessions – in person and online – on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th free for a group excursion and/or private sightseeing. Back to the conference room on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th.
Oxford is known for having a very old university, being an interesting tourist destination and is one hour by train from London. It offers a wide range of accommodation, from airbnb through b&b in colleges to posh end hotels such as The Randolph Hotel.
More information about the venue and the conference administration details will follow in the second announcement. In the meanwhile please let us know as soon as possible whether you intend to attend in person or via Zoom, and/or a title of your intended presentation.
With our best wishes
Conference organisers Barbara and Grenville
Barbara J Gabrys                           Grenville Croll